Through a Child's Eyes
By Kelly Chesnut, Deeply Rooted Coordinator
Post date: Sept. 7, 2020
There’s nothing quite like seeing things through the eyes of a child.
Most evenings John and I take a walk with our grandchildren to a nearby pond. Along the way we encounter plenty of opportunities for exploration. Our 3-year-old grandson, Aidan, will declare: “Look, Nana! A ant! An’ anudder ant! Nana! Here’s anudder one!” You can’t imagine how many ants he “discovers” in this short walk. But each encounter creates delight for our grandson. As we watch his awe and wonder over such seemingly insignificant creatures, we too experience a new sense of awe and wonder at God’s creativity.
These walks have stirred a fascination within me to stop and consider the beautiful array and giftings of God’s creation. Did you know that a butterfly’s sense of taste is 200 times stronger than ours? Cows can smell water 5-6 miles away. The honey bee has incredible navigational abilities. Elephants live in matriarchal societies with strong social bonds that last for decades. The hummingbird’s wings can beat up to 200 times per second. The diversity of God’s creation is mind-boggling!
God’s crowning glory was seen when he created people. Every person on earth is created in his image, yet we look different and have different personalities and gifts. We may share similarities and experiences, but no two people are exactly alike.
There’s beauty in our diversity. But these differences can incite disunity in our hearts when we focus on them at the expense of our shared love and belonging in Christ. The unity God calls us to doesn’t negate individuality. Instead, unity brings individuals into a shared purpose and practice that ultimately reflects God’s glory and love to the world around us.
Aidan’s desire to “stop and smell the roses” sometimes impedes my desire to finish the walk because it’s too hot outside! But we linger because I’m learning that, while our perspectives in the moment are different, selfishly insisting on “my” way causes unnecessary conflict. I’m learning I can be who God created me to be while still appreciating who God created Aidan to be.
So how do we strive to live in harmony in the midst of our differences? We must begin with a posture of teachability and humility rooted in God’s love. We recognize uniqueness and seek to honor and respect others who think, act and speak differently than us. Because they are God’s crowning glory — we’re all his masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus.
Questions for Reflection:
As you consider your role within the body of Christ, what are you doing to promote unity and harmony in the midst of differences?
What does it look like to show honor and respect to believers who are different from you?
What areas in your life does God want to grow and mature in you to better reflect unity in the midst of differences?
Learn more about loving one another in our differences in this month’s devotional.
Para leer el devocional en español oprima aquí.
Loving Your Neighbor