The Joy of Knowing God

By Jennifer Holloran, Wycliffe USA Chief Operating Officer

Post date: May 6, 2019

When I first started my doctoral program on strategic leadership through a Christian university, I knew that part of what I wanted to get out of the program was a deeper understanding of Scripture.

Through the program, I’ve come to understand the difference between exegesis (finding meaning in the text from its original context) and eisegesis (imposing my own interpretation onto the text). As I learned to research and understand the context of Scripture, I experienced a deepening sense of joy as I understood it in new ways.

Understanding God’s Word in a deeper way helped me apply it more meaningfully to my life and receive more from passages I’ve read many times. When I understood why Jesus allowed Lazarus to die and be resurrected, I understood more about leadership and pain. When I learned the context of Saul’s disqualification, I recognized traps that leaders can fall into that may hinder their leadership.

Each time I’ve delved deeper into Scripture, I’ve uncovered more about God's character and the relationship he desires to have with us. (It’s also taught me how much more I have to learn!) As I learn what it means to really know God, he continues to change me so that I can live out all that he intends me to be.

It’s so wonderful that we each have access to this tremendous resource in God’s Word that can continually shape us into a reflection of God’s character! And what a blessing that we can bring that gift to others as well.

Questions for Reflection:

  • As you read Scripture this week, ask the Lord to help you see beyond the meaning you bring to the text to the original context and intent. How does doing this shape your understanding of the Scripture?

  • How is God calling you to deepen your relationship with him?

  • We talk a lot about how God uses Scripture to transform communities. How has God used Scripture to transform your life?

You can read and reflect more on what it means to know God with our devotional guide.

Read Devotional