Loving One Another and Leaning In:

An Interview with Javonte and Kristina Lilly

By Kelly Chesnut, Deeply Rooted Coordinator

Post date: June 15, 2019

I wrote June's Deeply Rooted devotional in March, and I had no idea how timely the message would be. In light of the events of the past few months, I don’t think it’s coincidence the Lord is speaking to us about loving one another with truth and grace in humility.

I imagine that, like me, you’re experiencing a range of emotions as you listen to and read about racial injustices in the midst of a global pandemic. Maybe you just wish that somehow we’d all wake up wholly transformed and the issues would be fixed — that we’d all just suddenly be who God created us to be.

But the work of becoming like Christ takes time and effort. It doesn’t happen overnight.

I believe God wants to do a deeper work in us — work that will require more time and intentionality than we may feel we have the energy or will to give. But as we seek to become more and more like Christ, we must press in and do the hard work with God and with one another.

In our desire as an organization to lean in and learn about the realities of racial injustice, I asked Wycliffe USA staff members Javonte and Kristina Lilly to share a bit of their story.

So pull up a chair, grab your favorite beverage and read about how race has impacted their lives and how God is shaping their lives to reflect his heart.

Read Their Story

Para leer el devocional en español oprima aquí.

Loving Your Neighbor